

O.R.LaB – Operations Research Laboratory

The Operations Research as part of the Industrial Engineering deals with the optimization of complex processes and systems. In particular, the Operations Research (O.R.) field deals with the development, improvement and implementation of integrated systems as well as with the mathematical, physical and social sciences including the principles and methods of engineering. Therefore, the O.R. LaB through the O.R. techniques implements methods and assesses the results obtained when implementing these methods in complex real world problems.

Director: Reinaldo Crispiniano Garcia, Ph.D.


Graduated in Mechanical Aeronautical Engineering (1989) and obtained a Master’s Degree in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering – IEOR (1992), both from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA – Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica), and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley (1999), with minors in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) and Economics. Worked in Research and Consulting projects in the United States, Europe and Brazil, in particular to the Governments of California and Texas, European Union (EU), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Inter-American Development Bank, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and private enterprises, among other ones. Has extensive experience in the fields of Applied Finance, and Energy and Transportation Economics (Logistics and Infrastructure) besides Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, and Economics. Currently, he holds an Associate Professor position in the Industrial Engineering Department of the University of Brasília (UnB, Brazil). He has already hold leading positions including Course Coordinator for the Inter Disciplinary Center for Transportation Studies (Ceftru – Centro Interdisciplinar para Estudos de Transportes) and Coordinator for the Graduate Course of Auditing of Public Works for the Brazilian Federal Accounting Office (TCU – Tribunal de Contas da União).  

 Email: rcgarcia@unb.br
Tel. +55 61 3107 5729 

Vice-Director: Dr. Clovis Neumann.


Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Brasilia – UNB. He teaches courses related to the Operations Engineering field, mainly Management of Production and Operations Systems, Planning and Control of Production and, Factory Layout and Design. He holds an undergraduate and a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, and PhD in Industrial Engineering, all from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) with specialization in the University Management and Leadership Program from the University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL). He is an Ad Hoc Reviewer to the National Higher Education Evaluation System (BASIs in portuguese) of the National Institute of Studies and Teixeira Educational Studies (INEP/MEC). He has experience in project and operations management systems, focusing on factory design and layout, for the technological innovation of SMEs management being important required background for the education of an industrial engineer. He has publishded the following books: Industrial Engineering: 340 solved problems, 1st Edition; Industrial Engineering: Cesgranrio Problems, 2nd Edition; Management of Operations and Production Systems: Productivity. Profitability, Competitiveness, 1st Edition; Industrial Engineering: Preparatory Course for Exams and Factory Project and Layout, 1st Editionhaving all these books been published in portuguese.  

Email: clovisneumann@unb.br
Tel. +55 61 3107 5762